Free web hosting for our customers

HTML Bootstrap templates
HTML5 Gallery Admin
HTML5 Templates
Wordpress templates
Joomla CMS Templates
Website templates
OpenCart templates

3D Style templates
Agriculture templates
Alternative power templates
Animal & Pets templates
Art templates
Baker templates
Books & literature
Bootstrap templates
Business & finance
Charity templates
Cars & vehicles templates
Children templates
Communications templates
Computer repair templates
Computing templates
CSS Templates
Dating & Relations
DISCOUNT templates
Education templates
Electronics templates
Entertainment templates
Fashion & beauty templates
Flip book & notebook
Flowers templates
Food & drinks templates
Full screen templates
Futuristic templates
GalleryAdmin flash templates
Gambling templates
General templates
Health & medicine templates
Hobby templates
Hotels templates
Industry & construction
Interior design, furniture
Jewelry templates
Kindergarten templates
Law & legal templates
Marina & water templates
My Love
Media templates
Military templates
Mobile Responsive
Music templates
Night club templates
Online store/shop templates
Painting templates
Personal homepage templates
PhotoVideoAdmin templates
Photography templates
Politics templates
Radio templates
Real estate templates
Religion templates
Science & technology
Services templates
Shopping templates
Society templates
Spiritual templates
Sport templates
Transportation templates
Travel templates
Web design templates
Web hosting templates
Wedding templates
Wordpress templates

Request your free hosting now!

Request your free hosting now !

All our customers have a great opportunity to get free 6 months hosting for their recently bought templates at Flash templates store.
It is not a marketing dodge! This is careful care of our customers.
We offer Free Web Hosting service to our customers. How does it work? Very simple.

We assume, that you already have bought a template. Now it's time to think about hosting for your template. Please keep in mind that you also need the name (Domain name) for your further web site. If you don't, than you can buy it at any domain registrar. So, you already have a name (Domain name) for your web site, you have a template, which is actually fully finished site which needs only to be customized your way (write your text, insert your photos, links and etc.) and some place in Internet (hosting) to upload your work of arts. After all of this you will have a full Gentleman's set!

If this sound your way, simply fill in the form below. As you can see, this is simple form where you need to indicate the most important data along with other data - this is your transaction ID provided you by PayPal when you have bought the template and your site Domain name ( That's all.

Natural question - what after 1 year? Nothing unusual. You may continue using our hosting as long as you like, or you may choose another hosting service provider company if not satisfied with our hosting service. If you continue our hosting service, you will have to pay for this. Moreover, you may choose another more powerful hosting plans. Please be aware, that for 6 month free hosting, we offer the "STANDART" hosting plan, which after expiring of free period will cost $0.99 Do not confuse with such a low price. It absolutely doesn't mean bad service or hosting parameters. This is great hosting quality and hosting parameters. In most cases those parameters are more than enough for small and middle size web sites with average amount of the visitors.

Although if you would like more powerful hosting plan at HOSTOOK, for example "BUSINESS" or "PREMIUM", no problem. Please do the same procedure - just fill in the form below with necessary details and then please send us an e-mail with subject: "need BUSINESS plan" or "need PREMIUM plan" accordingly. Please be aware, that in this case we are NOT able to offer those hosting plans for FREE! The prices for those plans are listed on Web Hosting

P. S. By the way, the prices for the BUSINESS and PREMIUM hosting plans are very attractive. Just keep it in mind! :)

6 month free hosting request form

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